Thursday, October 2, 2014

Best Sellers Review - Sakare London

This is the beginning of a new post, first among a series of 5 to review products within my experience.

I do believe there is no need to spend a lot of money on highly expensive products, as long as we have effective and actually great products for reasonable prices.

Sakare products caught my attention a while ago to my full satisfaction.
I have finally tried their best sellers, feeling lucky I have and here to share.
Sakare nail kit is the invention of the year- only £40, 5 products in a kit, keeps your hands tidy and cultivated.

Sakare luxuriating body butter is one of my favorite treats before bed time - £40.
The anti wrinkling eye serum and cream keeps the energy and brightness in my eyes.

This is not the first time, but I do need to praise the representatives on 93 Bond St. store. Their patience and correct attitude is the answer to what I see on my skin every day.

Next time -  Review Garnier. xoxo

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