Thursday, July 17, 2014

Finally Working Out Again!

Laziness is  a tricky "friend" ... On the one hand, being at rest is amazingly comfy.. However, the mind works its own tricks bringing guilt to the table.. Anyway  - working out again!!! 

Being a devoted fan cultivating products, wanted to check if moisturizing contributes to muscles as well as the skin. 

Trying to moderate exercising after long time being a coach potato, found out my whole body is quite degenerate muscles wise. 

So, I have decided to make an experiment - got me some knew moisturizer  - indulging hand & body lotion by Sakare, and their enriching shea butter I have applied to my feet, before exercise and after, post shower it is. Trying that 10 days in a row, found out that flexible skin motivates soft tissues, and thus exercise is easier and more effective. 
I must say I fell in love with Sakare products I have tried so far. Both texture and fragrance are to my liking :)))) 
Promise to tell you more about it at my next adventure visiting their shop. 

Have a great week! 

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